Everything – ourselves, the world around us and every conceivable form of interaction – is constantly moving and involved in an endless continuum of change. Even the change itself is the subject of … change. In this way, new developments and insights follow each other at an accelerated pace in a process that simultaneously creates and accelerates.
Although widely available, the idea of “change” – however necessary – often arouses resistance and/or misunderstanding among entrepreneurs, managers, company managers and decision makers.
“It’s all about change…. we’re changing the change!”
For Business Genetix® change is the core business. The name “Business Genetix” was derived from Business genetics, a new domain in the world of organizational and business sciences.
It is a holistic, all-encompassing, in-depth approach, first gaining far-reaching insight into both your organization and its human capital. Further, Business genetics provides the necessary structure and uses a pioneering methodology to implement transformation, change and evolution functionally, sustainably and effectively in the growth process and success story of both your company and your employees.
We invite you to browse this website and discover Business Genetix® and our diversified offerings.
At your service…
With an extensive range of high-end services, Business Genetix® offers all the support necessary to ensure that you, your company and your employees make the maximum positive progress. Being successful is a decision: change is a choice! We help you determine the destination, facilitate your decision and guide you during the journey.
In alignment with you, we (re)define (where necessary) the characteristics of your organization, modulate the company’s genetics, optimize its functionality and jointly realize your goals.
- our core business:
– business genetics
– CSI services (change, shadow and interim management or consultancy)
– business mentoring - other services:
– consulting
– start-up guidance
Business Genetix Training Institute
We recently launched Str8wise, that provides advanced tools to help you investing in your professional/personal development through Seminars, Workshops and much more.
To become successful and/or stay as such you have to change, evolve, transform. You, your organization, your team, your strategy, your processes and your working method! An effective way to support this vision is permanent education.
As part of Business Genetix® Group, Str8wise is a separate niche structure that was explicitly created to meet your needs in terms of training, seminars, workshops or lectures. With our extensive network of experts, trainers and professionals, we can accept virtually any training request, develop ad hoc (in-company) training and support the intended development. Learn more about Str8wise.
Business Genetix Certification & License
With the Business Genetix® certification and licensing program we are the reference for a new generation of change and transformation consultants and/or managers.
To make the difference, you have to be different – in this case, stand out from other change and transformation professionals. Become a real game changer, a certified business geneticist, permeated with the unique pioneering methodology of Business Genetix®.
Read more.
“if you don’t change your direction you may end up where you are heading…”
Lao Tseu